The case against Flu Vaccines

Natural Wealth, Natural Health

March 13, 2017

Today I feel like railing against flu shots.

Personally, I would never get one.

There are two reasons for this

For one, there’s mounting evidence that regular flu shots just aren’t that effective.

In fact, during the 2014 – 2015 flu season, the flu vaccine had an abysmal 18 percent effectiveness rate, according to the US Center for Disease

Control (CDC).

In the 2015 -2016 flu season, the CDC said it was 59 percent.

And while that’s way better than 18 percent, it’s far from iron-clad protection.

The second reason I would never get a flu shot is because studies show that annual flu shots lessens your protection from certain flu strains in later years.

Data from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009 – 2010 showed that people who were inoculated with a seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the infamous “swine flu” than those who never received a flu shot.

And ABC News reported at that time that yearly flu shots may actually set you up for less broad protection than if you get, and recover, from the flu itself.

Here’s something else: Research in the journal “Clinical Infectious Diseases” found that vaccine-induced protection against influenza was greatest among those not vaccinated *at all* during the prior 5 five years.

In other words, the long-term effects of getting an annual flu shot are completely unknown, but it appears the strategy of submitting to annual flu shots may be backfiring, leaving those who have been vaccinated every year less protected than those don’t get vaccinated at all.

And of course there has been no shortage of reports that flu shots are toxic and can cause severe problems in people with compromised immune systems.

The main concern along these lines is that they contain thimerosal,which is 49 percent mercury by weight.

But mercury isn’t the only toxic substance in typical flu vaccines.

They usually also contain:

– Aluminum, a neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimers

– Triton X-100, a detergent

– Ethylene glycol, which is antifreeze

– and several more proven poisons

So, in the face of all of the pro-vaccine propaganda we here in the U.S. are being bombarded with, we would be wise to consider implementing some common sense measures to reducing our chances of coming down with the flu (whether you opt for a vaccine or not).

These include:

– Getting plenty of vitamin D3, either through sunshine, a safe tanning bed, or oral supplementation

– Avoiding sugar and simple carbohydrates

– Exercising

– Sleeping enough (8 to 9 hours nightly)

– Washing your hands regularly

– Avoiding emotional stress, or dealing with it constructively

Well, that’s it for today.

Until tomorrow,

Doug Fogel

Co-author of the “Gentle Hands” Headache DVD

More info at:

Posted in Health Blog.